TribeTwelve Wiki

Submission 2

Submission #2 is the second submission video, the third episode of TribeTwelve and the 3rd video of season 1. It was uploaded on June 7th, 2010, together with "Submission 1".


Milo was behaving more paranoid than usual.


Text: Submission #2

Here is more footage of Milo's visit from Saturday, Day 1.

After spending some time at home, we drove to the boardwalk at Victor Park, a local recreational area near my house.

[Cut to the inside of Noah's car. Noah is driving and Milo is sitting in the passenger seat, filming.]

Noah: So what have you been doing in Alabama lately?

Milo: Me and my dad built a barn in the backyard.

Noah: That's awesome. Not.

Milo: Yeah, it was quite boring. But I did get to shoot him with a nail gun.

Noah: Nice.

Milo: Yeah he just started mouthing off. What have you been doing around here?

Noah: Oh nothing, I just drive around sometimes.

Milo: That's it?

Noah: I walk on that boardwalk. Wanna go there?

Milo: Yeah, sure.

Noah: Awesome.

Milo: How far is it?

Noah: Uhh... about a quarter mile. I don't think you've seen it yet, they just built it last year.

Milo: Really?

Noah: Yeah.

Milo: Sounds... pretty interesting.

Noah: Alright, wanna go?

Milo: Let's do it.

Noah: Sweet.

[Cut to a view out the back window of the car. Milo is filming the car behind them. Then cut to the boardwalk in Victor Park.]

Milo: Man, this place has gotten creepy.

Noah: Yeah, sometimes when I'm out here, I hear noises out in the forest, but it's just drunken rednecks. There's a beer bottle right now. See it?

Milo: Huh. There's another one over there.

Noah: Oh, yeah. There it is.

[Cut to further up the trail, near the observation tower.]

Noah: This boardwalk is always so peaceful.

Milo: Yeah.

Noah: Remember when we came back here in '03? They didn't have like any of this built yet.

Milo: That be true.

Noah: I remember this. I haven't been up here in ages.

[Cut to the top of the observation tower.]

Noah: Man, I love the view from up here.

Milo: Yeah, it's definitely something.

Noah: You can see the whole mangrove forest. Goes on for miles.

[Noah pans the camera over the railings. Various words and names can be seen carved in it, as well as several Operator symbols. Notably, "LOOK BEHIND U" is next to one of these symbols.]

Noah: Man, look at all the stuff people have carved in--

[The audio cuts out.]


[The screen goes black for a second.]

Noah: Who has the patience to carve this stuff into this, like, fire-resistant wood?

[As Noah says "carve this stuff", the screen splits, similar to the distortion at the beginning of "Submission 1".]

Milo: We need to go.

Noah: What?

Milo: We need to go now!

[Milo starts hurrying down the steps of the tower. Noah follows him.]

Noah: Uh, okay. Where you goin'? Why you goin'... Hey, wait up! Where the hell you going, man?

[Visual and audio distortion. The screen goes black a few times.]

Milo: Hurry up!

[Cut to the boardwalk.]

Milo: --that story ended, that's how the story ended in our head.

Noah: Yeah, we always made up stories.

Milo: Oh, good times man. Good times.

Noah: Yeah. You should come over more often, man.

Milo: I try to, but this job really keeps messing up my schedule.

Noah: It's really dull around here. So here's the end of the boardwalk.

[At the end of the boardwalk, a few people can be seen fishing under a small roofed area.]

Milo: Huh. Seemed a lot longer when you told me about it.

Noah: Yeah, but since they built it, not much has happened. It's just been really boring around here. I've taken a few walks up and down this. And yeah. It's just been really boring.

Milo: Not much changes in this town does it?

Noah: Nope.

Milo: Think we can take the boat out here?

Noah: Probably. I mean...

[Noah zooms the camera on a boat far out on the lake.]

Noah: There's a boat right now. All people do around here is just come and fish and it's really just boring.

Milo: I never saw the point in fishing. It's kinda boring.

Noah: Yeah, catch and release.

[The audio becomes distorted and amplified.]

Noah: What's there to do, you know? There's no point in wasting your time.

Milo: Yeah.

Noah: It's kinda weird if you're the fish, you know? Just being taken up out of your natural--

[The screen becomes darker, and the audio becomes quieter.]

Noah: --habitat.

Milo: Here I am, minding my own business, and oh! Now I'm out of the water.

Noah: Man I feel like that every day.

[The screen goes black and a loud buzzing noise is heard in the background. Cut to further back on the boardwalk.]

Noah: So, Milo, what do you want to do next?

Milo: I think we should go home.

Noah: Why? We have a few hours of light.

[The screen goes black for a second and when the picture returns, the screen is split again.]

Noah: I mean, it's only six.

Milo: It's getting dark man.

Noah: You okay, man?

Milo: We gotta go now.

[Milo begins to run. Noah starts running after him.]

Noah: What the heck man? Dude, don't go running off on me like that!

[While running, Noah accidentally points the camera backwards. The video and audio becomes distorted. A strange figure can be seen on the boardwalk behind Noah.]

Noah: Damn it!

[The screen goes black for a second.]

Noah: The hell you running from?!

[The audio becomes static for a second and then the screen goes black.]

Text: After viewing the tape up to this point, I realized I haven't watched any of this footage since filming it back in 2008.

Although I bought that camera just a few days earlier, there are heavy audio-visual defects and various distortion at several points in the tape.

I also forgot how odd Milo was acting that weekend. He was definitely behaving more paranoid than usual.


  • The audio cuts out from 2:02–2:04 when Noah begins filming the carvings in the wood of the tower.
  • At around 2:07, carved in the railing of the tower is the phrase "Look behind u" followed by an  Operator Symbol. There are five more Operator Symbols carved in the railing, accompanied by names and subjects from other Slender Man stories, such as "Alex" (from "Marble Hornets") and "Logan" (from "Just Another Fool"). The Operator symbol is more prominent in the Marble Hornets series, being rarely used in TribeTwelve. The name "Operator symbol" came from the Operator, that is name that Slender Man have on Marble Hornets.
  • Major video and audio distortion occurs from 2:34–2:41 when Milo is fleeing the tower, and again from 3:46–4:10. The screen splits momentarily at 4:17, and from 4:30–4:37 when they are running, there is major audio/video distortion again.
  • At 4:31, during the distortion and when Noah has lowered the camera (incidentally filming behind them), the Administrator steps onto the boardwalk and strides towards them. This is what Milo was fleeing.

