TribeTwelve Wiki

The Order

The Order is the thirty-seventh episode of TribeTwelve, and the 37th video of season 1. It was uploaded on September 28th, 2012.


This is my footage of what happened when I met up with 'The Order' to ask about Mary Asher. Shit went down and we were lucky to get out alive. The guys and I have made amends since this incident, but we've decided to go our separate ways. I wish them well. And no, I don't know who "Henka Visæ" is.

Here's their footage:


[Noah and the DarkHarvest crew are driving in a car at night. The camera is pointed out the windshield.]

Noah: I'm just gonna go in, I'm gonna talk to this guy, and I'm gonna get the fuck out.

[Cut. The car is on a different road.]

Alex: This is the other side entrance that we're gonna be using.

[Cut. The car is approaching a small road block outside a forest. Noah sighs deeply. The car pulls in and parks.]

Alex: Here it is.

[Noah zooms in on the sign in front of the road block: "NO VEHICLES BEYOND THIS POINT".]

Noah: So--

Alex: You're on your own. Listen. At the first sign of trouble-- anything-- we're out of here, and you're shit out of luck.

Noah: ...Alright.

Alex: I hate to be a jerk to you, but--

Noah: I know, I understand, I've-- I know your terms.

Alex: Can't risk it.

Noah: I-I get it. [Unintelligible.] I'll just fucking do this. I'll be back.

[Noah gets out, turns on his camera's night vision, and points his camera back to the car.]

Noah: Thanks, guys.

Alex: No problem. We'll be here for you.

[Noah shuts the door to the car and walks out into the woods.]

Noah: [Muttering.] This was a bad idea. This was a bad idea.

[Cut to Noah walking alone. He hears a sound to his right, and gasps in fear before looking and seeing what it was.]

Noah: [Relieved.] Oh fuck! A deer! ...Scared the fuck outta me.

[Cut to Noah walking deeper into the woods.]

Noah: Okay, I'm at the gate... it's a little bit beyond this, I'm pretty sure... How in the ff--?

[There is some static, and a jump to later in the video. Noah sees a figure standing in the distance and points his flashlight at him before zooming in the camera on the man. The man wears a Guy Fawkes mask painted white and a hood, and holds a light. Noah approaches him. Distortion occurs.]

Noah: Are you the Overseer?

[The man remains silent.]

Noah: Uh.... hello?

[Noah switches his camera off of night vision and the distortion stops abruptly.]

Noah: M-my name is Bill, a-- and uh... I-- I've come here tonight to ask you about a member of your organization, uh, Mary Asher. She's been on the run for quite some time now and I was hoping that you could give me some information on her..... Oh, shit. Hang on.

[Noah reaches into his pocket, pulls out the note that was given to him by Jesse in "Our Meet-up" and hands it to the man.]

Overseer: Thank you for your respect. What is your request, outsider?

[The video clips slightly.]

Noah: I came a long way out here to ask why Mary Asher was the way she was and if you can tell me where she is right now. Her son, uh, my brother Milo, was murdered back in 2010. Mary's now on the run somewhere and in, uh... order for me to figure all this all out I just need to know what happened to her.

Overseer: I am allowed to tell you only three pieces of information.

Noah: Alrighty then, uh... your master had been following her and Milo... too, so--

Overseer: How do you know Sister Mary?

Noah: Mary is my mother, I'm her illegitimate child from her husband John, John Fletcher.

Overseer: My brothers from the Southern chapter of our Order tell me that they lost contact with Sister Asher, shortly after her kin had passed.

Noah: Okay, is there any other information that you have about her? Uh, how long has she been in the Order?

Overseer: She was recruited by an elder who is no longer with us. Brother Henka Visæ. That is all I can say.

Noah: Okay, um... What about Milo? Was-- was he in this organization?

[Noah waits for a response. The Overseer is silent.]

Noah: Can you give me any info on anyone else in the Asher family?

[Again, he says nothing.]

Noah: Do you know anything about a group called the Collective?

Overseer: That is all I can say. Ask no more questions.

Noah: You fucking serious!? What is this Order, huh? S...some shitty ass fuckin' cult? Worshiping some tall fucker in a business suit--

Overseer: How did you know that Sister Mary is in our order?

Noah: What, so you can ask me questions and I can't? [Sighs.] Okay, I found this manifest, in the Southern order, uh, members and--

Overseer: How did you get that?

Noah: I'm not tellin' you!

Overseer: Have you made contact with our master?

Noah: Ye-- Yeah, I shot him!

Overseer: Is he what they say in the ancient texts? Is he truly a God?

Noah: What "texts"? What the fuck?

Overseer: Have you ever seen someone pass through to the Fourth World? Have you ever seen someone pass on in glorious exaltation?

Noah: ...Are you fucking kidding me?

[Long pause.]

Overseer: Who sent you?

Noah: 'D-- do you know how fucking far I had to travel? How much goddamn money I had to fucking dish out to get my ass out here!? Do you even fucking care about what's happening to me!?

Overseer: Hand over the camera.

Noah: Okay, you know what!? Fuck you! Fuck your cult, and fuck this whole fucking meeting! I'm outta here! You can, uh, oversee my ass walking away. Thanks for fucking nothing, asshole!

[Other cultists approach from the surrounding woods, holding candles.]

Noah: Oh fuck!

[Cultists begin to chant. They stop as they surround Noah and the Overseer.]

Overseer: Who sent you? ...Who sent you?!

Noah: I don't know, this-- this-- some Jesse guy?

Overseer: No! Not Brother Jesse! Who lead you to contact him?

[Noah stutters incoherently.]

Overseer: Tell us or we will make you tell us!

Noah: These two guys, uh, Alex and Chris, uh, I found out after doing some research, and--

Cultist: LOOK!

[Everyone turns to see the Administrator. Video distortion occurs and Noah zooms in on him.]

Cultist: That's him!

Cultist: I am so ready.

[There are gasps, screams, and excited laughter. Distortion increases before the Administrator disappears. Cultists express confusion.]

Cultist: Huh? What?

Cultist: Wait a minute!

[Noah turns the camera to the right, revealing the Administrator standing before them. Distortion resumes and everyone screams again. Cult members rush to bow before the Administrator and chant in worship. A cultist pushes Noah aside in a rush, and kneels before the Administrator. The Administrator looks down at the cultist.]

Cultist: Take me! Take me to the Fourth World!

[The cultists gasp. Video distortion increases and the screen becomes incredibly bright white as Noah is knocked to the ground. He gets back up as the distortion ends. Noah points the camera to where the cultist was. Only the cultist's clothes and mask remain.]

Cultist: It's a miracle!

Cultist: I'm outta here!

Cultist: Anarchy!

Cultist: It's a miracle! It's a miracle!

[The cultists begin to shout in excitement and praise the Administrator with chanting. One cultist gets up and runs behind Noah, removing his mask. Noah turns and begins to run as well. As Noah begins to take off, the cultists scream. The video clips. He turns back to find the Administrator's tentacles lashing out, dangling a cultist violently.]

Cultist: Help me! No!

[Noah, now even more frightened, runs behind the cultist who fled earlier. The chanting continues as they both run together for a few moments. The camera cuts, the two of them still running, the chanting now having stopped. The cultist takes a sharp turn and disappears into some bushes to the right, while Noah continues left, and hears distant bloody screaming before shutting off the camera.]

[The camera resumes with Noah coming out of the woods and onto a trail. He looks to his left and sees flashlights behind him.]

Noah: Oh god!

[Distortion begins, and we hear demented laughter as well as Observer-style text reading "YOU ARE HILARIOUS!"]

[Cut. Noah sprints toward the exit, breathing heavily. He sees Alex standing a short distance from the car.]

Noah: Dude, run! Fucking run! They're after us! Fucking run right now! Shit, they're almost here, fucking run, get in the fucking car!

[They hurry into the car.]

Chris: What the fuck is going on?

Noah: Oh shit... oh shit...

Alex: How did they follow you?

Noah: I don't know! They're fuck-- ...There were so many of them!

[Cultists run out of the woods. One runs to the hood of the car with his mask up, visibly exhausted and scared. He looks around before running off. Alex starts the car.]

Noah: Holy shit!

Chris: They'll take the camera!

[Noah brings the camera below the dashboard, hiding it.]

Chris: Fucking drive! What are you doing!?

Noah: Fucking drive! Get the fuck out of here! ...Oh my god... holy shit.

[Alex begins to drive.]

Chris: What the fuck happened?

Noah: ...I got fucking ambushed, guys!

Alex: What do you mean, you got ambushed!?

Noah: It means I got fucking ambushed by a ton of those fuckers!

[The car stops.]

Alex: What the fuck... what the fuck...

Chris: What are you doing? Drive the fucking car!

Alex: It's not turning on!

Noah: ...Are you serious?

Chris: [In disbelief.] ...No.

Alex: Wait, calm down.

Chris: Where'd those people go?

Alex: ...No clue.

Noah: Oh, no.

Alex: This happened to us before.

Noah: Then why the fuck did we take this car!? Goddamn it, this is...!

Chris: [Weeping.] I don't know what is going on...

Noah: Are you-- are you okay?

Alex: Calm down, calm down. How the fuck... what the fuck happened back there?

Noah: O-okay, I... [Stammers.] I found the guy, started talking, I-I-I guess I asked too many questions and he f-- they came out of the fucking woodwork and surrounded me and-- and then... the fuckin' thing popped up.

Alex: What thing?

Noah: He was there! You know who! He was there, and shit went down, and I just ran! And I guess they ch-- ...ran or followed me, I don't know! There were just tons of them everywhere!

Chris: Fucking, we need to get the fuck out of here!

Noah: Start the car!

Alex: It's not-- turning-- on!

Noah: ...I'll turn my light off, I don't wanna-- I am so afraid right now.

[Noah turns off his flashlight; we hear static. He turns on night vision; it's useless.]

Noah: I can't see shit. My night vision isn't working very well.

[Screen tearing. Noah turns off the night vision. The car's headlights turn on and distortion begins. The Administrator is standing in the middle of the road.]

Noah: Oh my God, there it is! There he is! Fucking run him over!

Alex: I can't move the car.

Noah: Are you fucking serious?

[Chris begins to sob again.]

Chris: What if I die here? I don't wanna die!

Alex:No, you're not! Stop, calm down! Calm down! He's not doing anything!

[The headlights go out.]

Noah: Oh shit! Did you do that!?

Alex: No! I don't have any control over the lights!

[The distortion stops. Noah pulls out his flashlight]

Noah: Fuck, I can't see shit with this light either! Okay, we're not getting out of this car-- He's gonna be right there closer, it's all part of his plan! It's all part of his fucking game!

Alex: What the fuck are we gonna do? What're we gonna do!?

Noah: Try turning the lights on, man.

[Distortion resumes as the headlights flicker. It stops and they turn on.]

Alex: They're working now.

[We hear the sound of something flying through the air, followed by a cultist landing on the roof with a loud bang. He rolls off and onto the windshield, revealing a horribly mutilated face.]

Alex: What the fuck?!

Chris: Oh my god!

[The three in the car scream in terror as the cultist's body rolls off of the car. Everyone is panting, shaking, and whimpering.]

Noah: I can't take this shit! We never should've done this! Stupid idea!

[Distortion resumes and the headlights come on, though very dim. We can vaguely see the Administrator standing right in front of the car.]

Noah: Oh shit. Oh, what the fuck? Is that the guy? Is that the guy?

[The high beams turn on, revealing that the Administrator is standing directly in front of the car. Everyone begins to scream, as white light emanates from the Administrator and spreads over the windshield. A buzzing tone increases in pitch before they are warped to a beach. They stop screaming. Noah turns the camera to Alex, who is hunched over the steering wheel, his hands covering his face. Noah gets out of the car and looks around. They are now parked on a beach below a tall building by a freeway.]

Alex: Where are you going?

Chris: The fuck are we?

[Alex gets out of the car.]

Noah: What the fuck?

Alex: Where is he?

Noah: Where are we!?

[Chris gets out of the car and looks around with his camera.]

Alex: Just shut the cameras off. Shut 'em off!


Alex: Is everyone okay?

Noah: I'm shaken but I'm fine.

Alex: What happened in those woods, man?

Noah: I told you in the fuckin' car, they ambushed me. The guys with the masks, the f-f-fuckin' cult, the Order, whatever you call them, they ambushed me. And then, uh, the tall guy shows up. Everyone books it, and I come back to you guys, and then more shit goes down and here we are. I-- uh, this makes no goddamn sense. Oh, my--

Alex: What did you tell 'em?

Noah: Huh?

Alex: What'd you find out?

Noah: I found out a little bit of information. They asked more questions than I asked them! About him, and... it seemed like they were the ones questioning me.

Alex: What'd they ask you?

Noah: Like, who he was and shit, like, I didn't know. It was bullshit! Absolute bullshit, it was a dumb fuckin' idea.

Alex: Did you tell them anything about us?

Noah: [Sighs.] No.

Alex: Anything at all that can trace them to us?

Noah: Well, I mean... I did mention Jesse and...but then they... I did say your names.

Alex: Are you kidding me?

Noah: I'm... sorry, I mean it was too, li--

Alex: Are you fucking kidding me!?

Noah: It was--

[Alex approaches Noah, punches him, and pushes him to the ground.]

Noah: Don't, dude!

Chris: Calm down. Calm the fuck down, alright?

[Noah gets up.]

Noah: You wanna fight!?

Alex: Are you kidding me?! You just--

Noah: Get the fuck away, bro!

Alex: The one thing. The one thing that we told you not to do, and you fucked that up!

Noah: It was right af-- like, right near it happened.

Alex: You almost got us killed!

Noah: They didn't hear shit, alright?

Alex: You're fuckin' retarded. Let's go, Chris.

[Chris gets back in the car. Noah is about to get in.]

Alex: No. You're not comin' with us, dude!

Noah: Are you fuckin' serious?

[Alex shuts the door.]

Alex: You already fucked everything up.

Noah: You're not gonna just leave me here?!

Alex: Yes. We are. Before, we were perfectly fine before you showed up. Now, we're getting out of the god-- this fucking cult breathing down our necks and you almost got us killed! Okay?...They--

Noah: This is what he wants! This is what he fuckin' wants, he's-- he's somewhere around here laughin' at us right now. This is exactly what he fuckin' wants, he pulls us apart. Do you want this to happen, are you just gonna run away like this?

Alex: Yes.

Noah: Just leave me here!?

Alex: If it's better for the safety of everyone that we know, yes.

Noah: Alright, go away. Get the fuck out!

Alex: Good luck to you.

[Alex gets in the car.]

Noah: Thanks for all the fuckin' help!

[He starts it.]

Noah: I can't believe this is happening.

[Alex and Chris drive away. Noah sighs and notices someone staring.]

Noah: Shit. People are fuckin' lookin' at it. God-fucking-damn it!

[Cut to Noah looking up at a "one-way" sign. He pulls out his phone and dials Daniel's number.]

Noah: Fuck this fuckin' shit... Hello, Daniel? Yeah, uh, could y-- no, dude, I've been-- the shit fuckin' went down and they left me here at this-- this beach. What do you mean "three days"!? Oh my fuckin' god. Dude, uh, right now I'm at this-- is there a beach here in this place, nearby? Is there a beach nearby? 'Cause I'm at a beach right now. [Chuckles.] They fuckin' - we're at a beach and they left me, so... Yeah, that's probably, that's probably the beach, so if you could just come get me, and...ff-- yeah, that'd be great and we can fuckin' leave already, I'm-- I, I gotta get out of this place... What do you mean, three days? Yeah, I'm under the "one-way" sign in this-- this sand parking lot.

[The camera points toward an approaching truck.]

Noah: Is that you? Great.

[Daniel stops in front of Noah.]

Daniel: Where the fuck have you been?

Noah: Huh?

Daniel: I've been looking for you for three days! I had to book my hotel longer.

[Noah climbs into the car.]

Noah: I'm so sorry, dude, that--

Daniel: What happened?

Noah: We went to the forest and shit went down. So... ha-ha, I don't... I am-- I am just freaking out right now, they left me because I was with the cult members and they surrounded me, I-- I had to fucking say something... and, yeah, let's-- let's-- you know, let's just get the fuck outta here.

Daniel: Alright, yeah, you can just-- you can tell me on the way down.

[Daniel starts driving off.]

Noah: [Laughs.] This is so funny to me right now.

Daniel: It's not funny to me, I've been worry-- I don't-- I've been worrying like crazy. I thought you were dead.

Noah: I thought I was too. I thought I was too.

Daniel: I agree.

Noah: Can I get some ice cream?


  • Henka Visæ is seen in the page 2 of the manifest, revealed in "1.2", a unlisted video posted by Scriniarii.
  • Toward the end of the video, many things happened that were sometimes unclear. As Noah said on his Formspring account, the Administrator dangled a person in the air with his octopus-like arms, and everybody then started screaming and running. The demonic laughter heard as Noah was evading the forest was suspected by Noah to be the Observer.
  • Henka Visæ is an anagram of "Kevin Haas". This could be a coincidence, since in the hidden videos ofthe SCRINIARII Code, Henka is described in detail as an elder.
  • The Overseer also mentioned passing to "The Fourth World". In DarkHarvest00 (the channel belonging to Chris and Alex), the Fourth World is described as a world in which the Administrator serves as a god-like being. It is said to include strange geometry unlike our world, and to be full of pain and suffering. The cultists believe this place to be a paradise, and believe they will achieve godhood for humankind there. This could possibly be referring to the fourth dimension, which ties into the Quantum Theory, or the theory that the Administrator is a fourth-dimensional being, who can bend space and time.
  • The Overseer began by saying that he was allowed to give Noah three pieces of information regarding Mary Asher, but he only gave two: when the Order learned of Mary's disappearance and who recruited her.
  • If the DarkHarvest and TribeTwelve videos of this encounter are played side by side, they are perfectly synchronised from the point of Noah approaching the car. However, when they are teleported to the beach , it seems to take Noah two seconds longer, but his camera is still in sync for the remainder of the video.
  • Interestingly enough, Alex (who was filming for DarkHarvest) had no difficulties with his night vision, but it appears to turn itself off during the process of teleportation.


  • The Slender Man costume used in this video belonged to neither DarkHavest0 or TribeTwelve; rather, it was the one used in the EverymanHYBRID series. [1]


